Ormond Beach philanthropists Nancy and Lowell Lohman honored by Lions Club

The Lohmans recently received the Lions International Melvin Jones Fellowship award.

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  • | 8:00 a.m. December 17, 2024
Lion Greg Evans, Lion Neal Spencer and Nancy and Lowell Lohman. Courtesy photo
Lion Greg Evans, Lion Neal Spencer and Nancy and Lowell Lohman. Courtesy photo
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The Lions International Melvin Jones Fellowship was presented to Nancy and Lowell Lohman at the Dec. 8 celebration of the Ormond Beach Lions Club's 70th anniversary, as well as the Ormond-by-the-Sea Lions Club's 20th anniversary.

The award commemorates the Lohmans' dedication and support of diabetes awareness, a Lions International goal through the world through their Lions in over 200 countries in the world.

The award was applied for by the Daytona-Halifax Lions Club. The presentation was made by Lion Greg Evans, a member of the Ormond By The Sea Lions, with the assistance of Past International Lions Director Neal Spencer.


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