About Us

In 2010, Observer Media Group started the Palm Coast Observer. The Palm Coast Observer has a circulation of 20,000 and the highest penetration of any medium in Flagler County. Publisher, John Walsh, has been a resident of Flagler County for thirty years.

In 2012, the Ormond Beach Observer began publishing, the first paper of the group to serve Volusia County.

The Local Media Association and Florida Press Association also have repeatedly recognized the company’s newspaper excellence.

In 2015, LMA named the Palm Coast Observer “Newspaper of the Year” in its respective circulation category.

And in 2015, the Palm Coast Observer newspaper swept first place for General Excellence in the Florida Press Association’s Better Weekly Newspaper Contest.

In 2019, the Palm Coast Observer was awarded the Sweepstakes Award in the Florida Press Association’s Better Weekly Newspaper Contest, awarded to the newspaper that has won the most awards in the entire contest.

In 2023, Brian and Hailey McMillan of McMillan Ink purchased the Palm Coast and Ormond Beach Observers.

Publisher - Brian McMillan

Ormond Beach - Jarleene Almenas


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