- February 17, 2025
Alice Aline Reid, 94, of Palm Coast,entered the sunset of life on Thurs-day, July 4, 2024 at AdventHealth PalmCoast. The daughter of Henry Swainand Josie (Dates) Swain, she was bornon Monday, May 5, 1930 in Vincent, AL.She was educated in the St. Johns Coun-ty School District and a 1949 graduateof Excelsior High School. She attendedBethune-Cookman College, majoringin Education. Alice formerly resided inPhiladelphia, PA. She was a retired fac-tory worker at a men’s suit and coat fac-tory. Alice was a member of Mt. CalvaryBaptist Church of Palm Coast. She lovedmusic, especially jazz and spirituals. Herfavorite hymn was Blessed Assurance.In addition to her parents, she waspreceded in eternal rest by her husband,Leroy Reid; 10 brothers; and 2 sisters.To cherish her memories: daughter,Margaret (Henry, Sr.) Brown, Jackson-ville; granddaughter, Keturah Brown;grandson, Henry Brown, Sr., both ofJacksonville; and a host of nieces andnephews, especially her devoted care-giving nieces, Bettie Royal, Palm Coast;Willie Jean (Samuel) Wilkerson, Ft. Lau-derdale; Vernita Jones, Birmingham, AL;Valerie Swain, Sylacauga, AL; numerousgodchildren; special friends, EstherStubbs, Shirley Maloney, Lula Hardin;other relatives and friends.Public Visitation: 10-11 a.m. witha Celebration of Life commencing at11 a.m., Friday, July 19 at Mt. CalvaryBaptist Church, 75 Pine Lakes ParkwayS Palm Coast, Rev. Edwin Coffie, Pastorand Officiant. Interment: St. Augus-tine Memorial Park, St. Augustine, FL.Online condolences: www.flaggsereni-tychapel.com. Arrangements entrustedto the care of Karl N. Flagg SerenityMemorial Chapel.