- February 12, 2025
When: 6-8:30 p.m.
Where: Second floor of the Southern Recreation Center, 1290 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast
Details: A comedy and dinner theater show, hosted by Redefined Food Co. The headliner act is Mike Lee. Tickets to see the show are $25, not including dinner. Dinner prices vary.
When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Aug 10-11
Where: Tanger Outlets Daytona Beach, between H&M and Polo, 1100 Cornerstone Blvd., Daytona Beach
Details: Help "Stuff the Bus" for a good cause. Tanger Outlets is partnering with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties for this collection drive aimed at helping local children in need. United Way will be onsite, collecting new clothing, shoes, backpacks, accessories, school supplies and gift cards. The first 50 to make a donation will receive a free backpack.
When: 2 p.m.
Where: Ormond Beach Regional Library, 30 S. Beach St., Ormond Beach
Details: Learn about drought-tolerant plantings from library staff.
When: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Ocean Art Gallery, 197 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Paint along with award-winning artist Stewart Jones. All supplies are included in the $75 class fee and no drawing is required. Call 386-317-9400 to reserve your seat.
When: 10 a.m. to noon
Where: Unitarian Universalist Church, 56 N. Halifax Drive, Ormond Beach
Details: Paul Zimmerman, local historian and beach expert, will discuss the various forces impacting Volusia County beaches. An optional $5 light lunch will follow. For more information, call Jeff Boyle, president of AARP Chapter 1057, at 386-341-9013.
When: 11 a.m. to noon
Where: Social Club of Palm Coast, 51 N. Old Kings Road, Palm Coast
Details: This is a social club for retired and semiretired men and women that meets monthly with a guest speaker on a topic of interest, with other social events taking place during the month. This month's guest speakers are Christine McGrath, Memory Care; Kathy Kavala, Senior Transition; and Kimberly Puntillo, Visiting Angels. All are welcome. Free to explore the benefits of joining Probus. For more information contact Larry Wright at [email protected].
When: 5-8 p.m.
Where: Parkview Church, 5435 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast
Details: Come to Parkview Church for a free event for kids of all ages. There will be emergency vehicles, construction apparatus and other large "trucks" for kids to explore. Quiet hour — during which there will be no horns or flashing lights — will take place from 5-6 p.m. From 6-8 p.m., the trucks will blast their horns and flash their lights. There will also be food trucks.
When: 11 a.m. to noon
Where: Ormond Memorial Art Museum, 78 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Take part in this one-hour experience that includes select pieces from the Malcolm Fraser Permanent Collection, the John Wilton installation in the stairway gallery, a walk through the gardens to learn more about the military tributes and a tour of the historic Emmons Cottage. No advanced registration is required. Meet inside the museum’s reception gallery by 11 a.m. Tour admission is free to current members and veterans; all others should pay $2 per person inside the OMAM gift shop.
When: 7 p.m.
Where: 56 N. Halifax Drive, Ormond Beach
Details: Join the Ormond Beach Area Democratic Club for its August meeting. Check-in and socializing will begin at 6:30 p.m. Included on the agenda is the finalization of the Aug. 20 primary election activities, and a discussion on the Democratic ticket as well as activities and merchandise to be made available for the Nov. 5 election. Like-minded non-members are welcome to attend as guests. Visit ormondbeachdems.org.
When: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: The Blake at LPGA, 1635 N. Williamson Blvd., Daytona Beach
Details: Get a glimpse at what this year's walk will look like and a chance to learn more about the Alzheimer's Association, how to get involved and create your own team. The walk will take place on Nov. 9.
When: 1-4 p.m.
Where: Ocean Art Gallery, 197 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Details: Learn to paint in watercolor with artist Bibi Gromling. All supplies are included in the $75 class fee and no drawing is required. Class is limited to six students. Beginners are welcome. Call 386-317-9400 to reserve your seat.
When: 9-11 a.m.
Where: Big Lots Plaza, 122 N. Nova Road, Ormond Beach
Details: Get your pet vaccinated at a lower cost. Rabies shots will cost $5 for 1-year vaccinations. Other shots offered include dog distemper/parvo combo, dog flu, cat distemper combo, feline leukemia and more. Heartworm prevention and flea control products will be available for purchase. All vaccinations are administered with a licensed veterinarian. No appointment needed. Clinic is open to everyone. Proceeds benefit abused animals. Call or text 386-748-8993 or visit spcavolusia.org
When: Aug. 1, Aug. 8, Aug. 15, Aug. 22, Aug. 29
Where: Ormond Beach Regional Library, 30 S. Beach Street, Ormond Beach
Details: An interactive, 21st Century literacy program designed for children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. Children and caregivers are introduced to basic building blocks of literacy through stories, rhymes, and music; in a fun and educational environment. Programs may end with a brief S.T.R.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math) activity.
When: 9:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays
Where: Palm Coast First Baptist Church, 6050 Palm Coast Parkway NW, Palm Coast
Details: Join this Balance and Motion class and develop strength and endurance, core stability and balance. Taught by senior fitness specialist Artie G, the class is open to all fitness levels and free with most insurances. A donation is accepted for those without coverage. See full schedule at synergyseniorfitness.com or call 386-931-3485.
When: 12:30-2 p.m. every Tuesday
Where: Central Baptist Church, 152 Fairview Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Join this book club, which will study "Love Stories of the Bible Speak" by Shannon Bream. The book club will meet in the Marchman Building, room 117. Contact Sylvia Meincke at 386-451-5223.
When: 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Friday of the month
Where: Central Baptist Church, 152 Fairview Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Moms of Pre Schoolers is a free faith-based program for moms, moms-to-be and their preschoolers for support and encouragement. Breakfast is provided, as well as a video with discussion and crafts. Playtime offered for children, with adult supervision. Call 386-255-2588.
When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Where: Museum of Arts and Sciences, 352 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach
Details: Want to spend a day looking at fine art? The Museum of Arts and Sciences has the following shows on display: "Tide Pools: Exploring Coastal Communities" ; "The Lure of Florida Fishing" ; and "Lohman Planetarium 2.0"
When: Times vary, most classes and workshops begin in October.
Where: Art League of Daytona Beach, 433 South Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach
Details: Register for fall classes and workshops at the Art League of Daytona Beach. Visit www.artleague.org or phone 386-947-7103. Workshops and classes vary in start time and duration.