CLASS NOTES 3.31.2011

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  • | 4:00 a.m. March 31, 2011
  • Palm Coast Observer
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+ Heritage Academy donates to shelter
Students in the community service class at Heritage Academy donated $75 to Rev. Elizabeth Gardner, of Bunnell United Methodist Church.

The check was earmarked for The Sheltering Tree, the cold weather shelter housed at the church. The check, along with 100 canned food items, was obtained by holding a Valentine’s Day Dance at the school. The admission to the dance was canned food or a monetary donation.

+ FPC to hold eighth-grade orientation
Flagler Palm Coast High School guidance councilors will be speaking to eighth-grade students at Buddy Taylor Middle School during fifth and sixth periods Monday, April 4.

Topics will include classes, scheduling, grade averages and high school requirements. Students will be given a course selection sheet to present to their current academic teachers for recommendations and then the students may chose their own elective courses.

To assist in making those choices, FPC will host eighth-grade orientation 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, in the Flagler Auditorium, 5500 E. State Road 100. The event will start with a quick welcome before students and parents are released to tour the school and visit the clubs and sports expo in the 800 gym.

Course selection sheets will then be given to Buddy Taylor guidance.

+ Imagine School begins construction
Construction of a two-story building to house 16 classrooms and two science labs has begun at Imagine School at Town Center. The permit for the construction was for $2.4 million, according to the city of Palm Coast.

This final stage of construction also includes a covered sport court, which will accommodate athletics and other large group events.

The sport court has been designed to provide access to bathrooms and water fountains for events that are scheduled outside school hours.

Funding for the building is provided by a private real estate investment trust. After the building is completed, Imagine Schools will enter into a long-term lease with the trust.

Imagine Schools operate more than 70 campuses nationwide. Student enrollment at Imagine School, in Palm Coast, has grown from 226 in its first year to 520 in 2011.

The expected capacity for the school year beginning August 2011, is 900. Christian Cascone, Imagine Schools development director, said Imagine Schools seek to meet the needs of the communities they serve and to do so with safety in mind.

Questions and concerns about the construction project may be sent to [email protected] or the school principal, Lisa O’Grady at [email protected].

— Send class notes to Shanna at [email protected].


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