Ormond Beach resident donates food to First Step Shelter

Jason Leslie, who is running for mayor, donated the food after a campaign event on Saturday.

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  • | 8:00 a.m. May 21, 2024
Jason Leslie donated food and nonperishable items to First Step Shelter. Courtesy photo
Jason Leslie donated food and nonperishable items to First Step Shelter. Courtesy photo
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Ormond Beach resident and mayoral candidate Jason Leslie recently donated leftover food from a campaign fundraiser to First Step Shelter.

On Saturday, May 18, Leslie donated the food, along with nonperishable items to the local homeless shelter. In a statement to the Observer, Leslie said he used his trailer to collect the food and transport it to the shelter after his event.

"The food in metal trays was cooked that day for my event and was being served for dinner at First Step that night," Leslie said. "The dinner included shrimp, sausage, red potatoes, onion and corn on the cob in a southern boil style. I also had fresh lemons to go with it and Hawaiian rolls. I am really happy to do something like this and will be planning another event soon that will add some outreach again to the community."


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