- September 12, 2024
Flagler Schools is looking for feedback on revisions to the elementary and secondary schools’ Codes of Student Conduct for the 2024-25 academic year.
Among the recommended changes the district is considering are:
John Fanelli, the school district’s student support and behavior coordinator, presented an update to the School Board at a May 7 workshop on recommendations, feedback and a timeline.
An updated revision draft will be presented to the board at a July 9 workshop with final board approval scheduled for the July 23 business meeting.
Through May 6, the district received 80 responses for feedback on code of conduct changes with the majority coming from parents (45%) and faculty/staff (36.3%).
Nearly half of the responses (43.8%) pertained to secondary school changes with 33.8% pertaining to elementary school changes and 22.5% pertaining to both.
The largest area with recommended changes (42.5%) was discipline, while 30% sought changes to the dress code and 10% to advanced classes and work.
People can provide feedback on the Codes of Student Conduct at https://www.flaglerschools.com/students-families/behavior-discipline.