- March 6, 2025
In 1938 the surrealist painter Salvador Dalí paid a visit to the dying Sigmund Freud, who had recently escaped Nazi Europe and settled in London's Hampstead. The visit is immortalized in Terry Johnson's explosive 1993 farce, “Hysteria”.
The City Repertory Theatre’s production of “Hysteria” will run for two weekends, April 26, 27, 28 and May 3, 4, 5. with Friday and Saturday shows scheduled at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday shows at 3:30 p.m.
In Johnson’s play, Dalí walks into Freud's study to discover the father of psychoanalysis holding a snail-infested bicycle with his head bandaged like an Easter bunny and his arm stuck in a Wellington boot. "What Dalí merely dreams, you live," breathes the thrilled painter.
The play combines that meeting with the arrival of the mysterious Jessica, who brings serious charges against Freud relating to his treatment of her mother and his theory of presexual shock. Freud, who is trying to put his affairs in order, soon finds himself up to his neck explaining both his life's work and the female undergarments in his garden.
The CRT production stars Tom Munez as Freud, Cameron Hodges as Dali, Danno Waddell as Yahuda and Emily Sowell as the scarcely clad Jessica.The show is directed by City Repertory co-founder John Sbordone.
For tickets call 386-585-9415 or visit crtpalmcoast.com. Prices are $30 and $15.00 for students. The theatre is located at City Market Place, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B207, Palm Coast.