- January 21, 2025
Mini quiches, sliders, 1963 jazz and memories were all part of the first Seabreeze alumni reception held for graduates of the years ending in three—1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013.
The event was held in the Seabreeze cafeteria and catered by the school’s Academy of Culinary Design on Thursday, Oct. 19. The reception was the brainchild of Seabreeze Principal Tucker Harris. It came to fruition through the organizational efforts of his administrative assistant Jeanette Oberst and the culinary program.
The event is a great way for the alumni community to stay involved in our local high school to support future leaders and promote community partnerships. - Debbie Bradley Gibbens, Seabreeze ESE teacher, class or 1993
Academy chef Hannah Offenberg was in the culinary program at Seabreeze for four years and graduated in 2013. She attended the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. Offenberg said it is sometimes referred to as “Hogwarts” for its castle-like appearance. She decided to return to teach at her alma mater.
“I became a chef, then decided to come back to help the program because it was dying and needed help,” she said. “So, I was like, ‘I’ll stay for a year or two and help out.’ But five years later, I’m in love (with the program). It’s exciting.”
Offenberg based the reception menu on specialty items her class used to serve at most of their events from 2009-2013. Quiche and sliders were usually the go-to.
“Now that it is full circle, I wanted to bring that back to life,” she said. “I put my own spin to a few things, and a few things I’m sure alumni will recognize.”
Class of 1993 graduates — Seabreeze ESE teacher Debbie Bradley Gibbens, Volusia County Council District 4 Representative Troy Kent and 1993 Mr. Seabreeze winner Brad Sargent — were in attendance. Gibbens said it was like nothing had changed except they were older.
“The event is a great way for the alumni community to stay involved in our local high school to support future leaders and promote community partnerships,” she said.
Gibbens is part of three generations of Sandcrabs. Her father, Marshall Bradley, graduated in 1965, coached at Seabreeze and was an assistant principal. Her son, Taylor Guinther, graduated in 2016, daughter Karlie Guinther graduated in 2021 and daughter Tatum Gibbens will be graduating in 2026.
“I’m following in his footsteps teaching here,” she said. “Ormond Beach is rooted in tradition, and our community feels like family.”
Graduates of ‘3’ notables are Jim France, NASCAR and International Speedway Corporation executive from the class of 1963, and Eric Weems, NFL wide receiver and return specialist from the class of 2003.
Following the reception, alumni were invited to attend a pep rally in the gymnasium where the Seabreeze cheerleaders, football players, Marching 100 band and color guard performed for the audience. The Master of Ceremonies was teacher and girls’ head basketball coach Jessica Herron.
It was also the second annual Alumni Cheer Night. Gibbens took the floor with the alumni cheerleaders at the pep rally and also joined them on the field at the homecoming game.
“I’m certain as the years go on it will take off,” she said. “Mr. Harris is doing a great job including our alumni in the Sandcrab community, since he is a proud graduate himself.”