- February 12, 2025
Grand Vista Condos’ first public open house, held on Nov. 18 and 19, drew over 600 attendees, owner Zander Burger said.
Burger is the CEO of Zander Holding Group of Palm Coast and bought the derelict condos at Grand Haven in June 2022. The two condo buildings were built in 2004 but stood empty for almost 20 years before Burger gutted the buildings to the studs.
There are 24 units in the two buildings, and the first 12 are ready to go to market. Burger called the ribbon-cutting weekend a success.
“It was very well received by the community,” he said.
Broker Gina Harding said Zander Holding held a private viewing of the building earlier in the week for Grand Haven residents, then a brokers-only viewing after that.
"The feedback was overwhelmingly positive," she said.
Harding said Zander Holding plans to hold open houses at least every other week through the end of the year. Prices for individual units have not been released yet, Burger said, and won’t be until the new year. In an interview with the Observer in October, Harding said units would likely range from $699,000 to $1.4 million.
Burger compared the pricing of his condos and other real estate markets to car shopping: Some people go to a Kia dealership for Kias, and others to a Mercedes dealership to buy a Mercedes.
“You can’t compare the two costs,” he said. “It’s completely different.”