Million Dollar Food-a-Thon raises $100,000 for Flagler County families

The July 14 event drew more individual donors, but smaller donations, than last year's event.

AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway President Wally De Aquino signs the check for $10,000, from the hospital's employees, with Eddie Goncalves and John Subers, on July 14 at the Flagler Broadcasting studio in Bunnell. Photo by Brian McMillan
AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway President Wally De Aquino signs the check for $10,000, from the hospital's employees, with Eddie Goncalves and John Subers, on July 14 at the Flagler Broadcasting studio in Bunnell. Photo by Brian McMillan
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Flagler Broadcasting's Million Dollar Food-a-Thon received just over $100,000 in donations this year, half of its $200,000 goal.

The Food-a-Thon occurred from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 14.

In 2022, the all-day fundraiser generated $125,000 in donations to buy food for local families. 

David Ayres, president of Flagler Broadcasting, said the Food-a-Thon received 300 donations from individuals and businesses this year — more than last year, even though the donation total was lower.

Ayres said it is a sign of the economic times.

“Even the donors are hurting this year,” he said. “And we have 1,000 more families that are needing food. So that's a real kind of grassroots, organic litmus test of the economy here.”

The Million Dollar Food-a-Thon is a joint fundraiser by Flagler Radio and the Grace Community Pantry to raise money for food for Flagler County families in need. 

Ayres said the $100,000 can still purchase half a million dollars worth of food: The food pantry has connections to suppliers and receives $5 worth of food for every $1 donated.

Ayres said people were still sending in donations after the fundraiser closed, even from out of state, and some people donated anonymously. Ayres said everyone who works on the fundraiser is very grateful to all who donated.

“I just want everybody to know how much we appreciate them,” he said.


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