- January 20, 2025
Dear Editor:
This past week’s issue of the Observer had my head spinning.
The journalism was great, but the subjects were sad and disappointing.
On the second page, the Stormwater Department wants a huge rate hike. I don’t get stormwater being in the water bill anyway.
If I use more water in my home, I pay for it. Stormwater is the same for everybody, except that it’s not a tax hike, it’s a fee.
On Page 3, the mayor and councils' grand delusion of "now is the time" to open up more land to development. The existing Palm Coast needs a lot of work now, which should take priority.
Then on Page 9, 300 homes pushed through on a former golf course.
And then the long opinion piece on the saltwater canals, which, while well-written, had its facts and basic premise totally incorrect.
The stormwater fee is for drainage and water level control of freshwater. We all pay for that. There is no drainage and water-level control of the saltwater canals.
The folks that use the amenity should pay a big share for that use.
My hope is the mayor and city staff do not ram these changes through without public approval. Keep up the good work informing us.
Jeffery C. Seib
Palm Coast