Ormond Beach Police honors 15 OBMS students for making positive choices

The recognition is part of OBPD's and the Ormond Beach Police Athletic League's involvement with the 'Do the Right Thing' program.

Ormond Beach Police honored 15 students from Ormond Beach Middle School with a "Do the Right Thing" award on Thursday, Feb. 16. Photo courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach
Ormond Beach Police honored 15 students from Ormond Beach Middle School with a "Do the Right Thing" award on Thursday, Feb. 16. Photo courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach
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The Ormond Beach Police Department and Ormond Beach Police Athletic League recognized 15 Ormond Beach Middle School students with a celebration luncheon Thursday, Feb. 16, for performing acts of kindness and courage.

The recognition is part of OBPD's and OBPAL's involvement with the "Do the Right Thing" program, which rewards students for making positive choices. 

Students received a certificate. Volusia County Judge Bryan Feigenbaum attended the luncheon. 

The awardees were: 

Ormond Beach Police Chief Jesse Godfrey shakes the hand of an Ormond Beach Middle School student during the "Do the Right Thing" celebration luncheon on Thursday, Feb. 16. Photo courtesy of the city of Ormond Beach
  • Jordan Alicea
  • Dalton Boice
  • Anaya Dayton
  • Jadyn Jackson
  • Antavia Mack
  • Heer Patel
  • Guarionex Rivera Seise
  • Ananiah Runion
  • Tyler Rutherford
  • Marquez Ryder
  • Alison Shelton 
  • Christian Simmons
  • Jillian Trainor
  • Dedrick Victor
  • Chelsea Wisniewski.


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