- November 6, 2024
Dear Editor:
I am sorry if I have missed keeping up on those who want to build a new police station in Ormond Beach. I have been involved in other matters going on in Ormond Beach, but I had to take pause when I read the latest article in the Observer dated Dec. 7, 2023, titled "City pursues study to relocate police station." Have we not already done a study on the Ormond Beach Police station some years ago?
As my mother used to say, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” but in the city of Ormond Beach, perhaps it does. Why would we want another police station when the one we have is fine and in a great location?
It was interesting to read that Mayor Partington would like to pursue a new emergency operations center also. In the article, he referenced stories of first responders sleeping in tight quarters during emergencies and the lack of facilities available to them. Then we find out that our city’s EOC is based out of the fire station on Nova Road.
Do you mean to tell me that we do not have facilities such as a bathroom and a kitchen in our fire station? Who is Mayor Partington to decide what are “tight quarters?” Perhaps my husband should have asked for a bigger cockpit when he was a pilot for TWA/American, perhaps the workers sitting in their toll booths on the beach need a bigger facility with at least a bathroom and a microwave. Perhaps there are many professions that are subject to “tight quarters.” Show us the tight quarters and let the citizens of Ormond Beach decide. This is ridiculous.
We need to start showing up at these meetings to stop those who want to build a new police station.
Darla Widnall
Ormond Beach
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