- March 6, 2025
Officers to go on 250-mile bike ride
Four Ormond Beach police officers are currently training to take part in the Police Unity Tour, where they will join hundreds of other law enforcement officers from around the nation next May in a three-day, 250-mile bike ride from Portsmouth, Virginia to Washington, D.C.
The purpose of the ride is to raise money and awareness to support the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial and Museum, which honors the more than 20,000 men and women who have been killed while performing their duty as police officers.
Officer Amberly Michaelis, Sgt. Lisa Rosenthal, Sgt. Jamie Gogarty and Lt. Jesse Godfrey are taking part, and to qualify, they must raise $2,000 each in donations.
The memorial and museum, located in Washington D.C. was established in 1984 by the U.S. Congress. It includes a marble wall with the engraved names of all slain officers. The memorial relies on the charitable donations of businesses, organizations and citizens.
Persons can donate online at the following links through FirstGiving:
Officer Amberly Michaelis — firstgiving.com/fundraiser/AmberlyMichaelis/2015-police-unity-tour-chapter-viii;
Sergeant Jamie Gogarty — firstgiving.com/fundraiser/jamesgogarty/2015-police-unity-tour-chapter-viii
Sergeant Lisa Rosenthal — firstgiving.com/fundraiser/LisaRosenthal/2015-police-unity-tour-chapter-viii;
Lieutenant Jesse Godfrey — firstgiving.com/fundraiser/JesseGodfrey/2015-police-unity-tour-chapter-viii
For information, call Godfrey at 676-3525.