As fast as you can: Gingerbread men teach safety

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  • | 4:00 a.m. August 25, 2012
Debbye Faison, of Publix, creates a gingerbread house for the kindergartners.
Debbye Faison, of Publix, creates a gingerbread house for the kindergartners.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The kindergarten students at Wadsworth Elementary School gathered Thursday, Aug. 23, for a presentation of gingerbread house-making, made by Publix bakery decorators.

The special day was a culmination of a week's worth of activities aimed at getting the students adjusted to a new school.

The adventure started on Monday, when the students learned the story of the gingerbread man and baked their own gingerbread cookies. But something went awry, and the gingerbread men all ran away.

Students searched the school high and low, which allowed them to visit the many different areas and meet their “friends” that are at school. These friends included the principal and assistant principals, media specialists, wheel teachers, the nurse and the school secretaries.

These school personnel all gave the students clues as to where the cookies may be running. They searched the classrooms, but the gingerbread men were still nowhere to be found, which brought about the students’ first homework assignment. The students were asked to look behind, under, between, above and below things in their home for the gingerbread. They also looked as they rode on the bus, in a car or walked home.

Then, on Wednesday, Principal Robin Dupont called all the kindergarten students to the cafeteria where she and the assistant principals presented the students with the cookies they had found. They also will give a safety lesson on not running away and staying with the teacher.



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